The book itself is a curious artifact, not showy in its technology but complex and extremely efficient: a really neat little device, compact, often very pleasant to look at and handle, that can last decades, even centuries. It doesn't have to be plugged in, activated, or performed by a machine; all it needs is light, a human eye, and a human mind. It is not one of a kind, and it is not ephemeral. It lasts. It is reliable. If a book told you something when you were fifteen, it will tell it to you again when you're fifty, though you may understand it so differently that it seems you're reading a whole new . Anonymous
About This Quote

This quote is an interesting way to capture the idea that a book has a personality that goes beyond the words. While the book may be dead when you are playing with it, it will still retain its personality while you are reading it. When you are done reading it, the book will go back to being dead. But, while it is dead it will still remain in your memory. It will not be forgotten because it continues to influence you even at a distance.

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